Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Too Small to Ignore

Excerpt from Too Small to Ignore by Wess Stafford:

     Compassion's South Korea director, Dr. Justin Suh, and members of his board of directors were visiting our work in Ecuador and arrived at a certain project one evening. They were scheduled to see the program the next morning.
     "We are so grateful for your visit to us," the pastor said when they climbed out of the minibus. "But I'm so very sorry to inform you that tomorrow will not be a typical day at our project. I know you want to meet the children and see what we are trying to do for them in this desperate community, but..." At this, the man's throat began to tighten. "The children will not be gathering as usual tomorrow. Instead, we will have a funeral."
     He took a deep breath before continuing. "Two of our little boys, brothers, were crossing the busy street to come to the project yesterday and were struck by a huge truck. The eight-year-old was severely injured and is in intensive care at the city hospital. But the little six-year-old was crushed and died in the dirty street. He was a wonderful little boy. We are all brokenhearted."
Justin Suh replied, "Oh, my brother, we are so very sorry."
     The pastor wiped a tear and continued, "In our culture, children do not generally attend funerals, especially tragic ones like this. So I'm afraid you will not see among us what you came so far to see."
The South Korean leaders conferred and then offered, "Would it be all right if we came anyway, sat with your congregation, and just grieved with our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters in their great loss? We know something of such great sorrow in our own land."
     The next morning when the Korean delegation arrived at the little church, the sanctuary was filled to capacity. To their surprise, some sixty of the mourners sitting on the coarse wooden benches were children. The pastor met visitors at the door and just shrugged his shoulders; he had no explanation for why so many children had shown up for a funeral.
     While waiting for the service to begin, our national staff members began to move among the children, quietly talking with them in Spanish. Eventually Justin and his group heard the report. Child after child had said, "He was my friend. He is the one who told me of Jesus' love. He helped me invite Jesus into my heart. I'm sad, but I've come today to send him to his heavenly home."
     This little Ecuadorian child had led over fifty of his friends to Jesus! His life's work was gloriously accomplished by the tender age of six. God needed a great evangelist for that village. He needed a child.

I have been so incredibly touched by this book and would recommend it to anyone interested in going into ministry, even if you don't think you want to serve children. This book will change your outlook on how children can be a part of the church TODAY.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Done and done.

Well, it's official- I am done with my third year of college! The stove has been scrubbed and cleaned, the living room vacuumed and dusted, sink cleaned, drawers emptied, boxes packed, sheets and towels laundered, suitcases zipped, keys turned over, paperwork signed, and ta-da I am no longer a resident of 34 W. Cremona and am on my way home for the summer! I've been counting down to this day for two months (okay, let's be real, I've been practically counting down since September) and now that it's here, why do I have mixed feelings? I felt so sad saying goodbye to some of my wonderful roommates. I will miss saying goodnight to my "Francis" every night, laughing about random things like thinking there is a raccoon in the oven, and staying up way later than planned because we're talking about weddings, grad schools, boys, friends, papers, and more. I have been truly blessed this year and can't wait to be back next year.

But now that I am sitting in the airport waiting for my delayed flight I can not be more happy to be going home. I just want to sleep in my own bed, wander around in shorts and a tank top without wearing shoes, eat yummy food, watch tv, read lots and lots of books, lay by the pool, and just relax! The next week and a half will be busy since my little baby brother is GRADUATING from high school, but after that I know things will calm down and the real relaxing will begin. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful home, family, and friends, to return to. I know that is not really normal to want to go home so much, but I've never been normal ;)

Only God knows what this summer really has in store for my life. My prayer is that I would be open to the things he has for me and take advantage of every opportunity he presents.

Summer To-Dos
  • beach
  • Disneyland
  • movies
  • READ
  • get tan
  • exercise
  • spend more time outside (when weather allows)
  • find time daily to study God's word
  • intentional time with family & friends
  • San Diego Zoo
  • be involved at church
  • SLEEP!
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken...One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: "Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love"; and "You reward everyone according to what they have done."
Psalm 62:1-2,11-12
California here I come :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Can you tell I want to bake?

Peanut.butter.oreo.brownies.oh.my.gosh. I am making these when I get home.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I am so so so ready to be DONE with school! I finished a project for Tuesday, a paper for today, and I have two papers (for the same awful class), a final, and a quiz and then I am DONE!! I have no clue where to start for the two papers I have to write. I dread this class and don't think I have learned anything. AND there is no course evaluation because this is the last time it is being taught so I can't even let the professor know what I thought! GAh! Okay, rant over... :)

I am currently sitting in class, clearly not paying attention, planning out my trip to the library this afternoon before I go to work. I have decided to just jump into the work I have to do instead of putting it off because I know it is going to be the last thing I want to do this weekend (it's supposed to be sunny and 80!!!). Deep breath. I can do this.

All I have thought about lately is how I want to be done and to be home, but then yesterday I was reminded that I would be leaving my job for the summer too. I love my job. I love the people I work with, the kids, the daily schedule, the opportunities I have. I only have six more days left and I know I will be very sad to leave :( Yesterday I was taking things down from the ceiling so I was standing on a chair (about 10" off the ground) and two little girls in my class became very concerned telling me to "BE CAREFUL!" They were saying it over and over and telling me not to fall. I reassured them I would be okay but thanked them for their worry...however, Ali didn't believe me. She dropped her book and flew to my side informing me that she would hold my leg so I wouldn't fall. She wrapped her little arms around my leg (basically making it more difficult because now I was worried that she would get hurt if I actually did fall) but I know she had all the best intentions. It's so cute to see a 3-year old act with such concern for another person. Sometimes hanging out with 10 or more 3-year olds can get overwhelming and make me want to pull my hair out, BUT I wouldn't want it any other way :) I love those kiddos and I know they think I'm pretty cool too.

I now have two different countdowns going....one is a countdown of happiness to be done with the school year and to be going home for the summer; the other is a countdown of sadness because I will miss my kids and my job a ton while I'm gone.