Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last paper ever!

Move-in day last September. So blessed
to be living with this girl again!
I'm currently writing my last research-style paper where I have to use citations. This paper is for my Christian Doctrine: Holy Spirit class and I've actually really enjoyed it. We are a class of about 10 students (on any given day- there are always people absent!) and it's mostly discussion based on different readings. I like that we have gotten to the point that we can just discuss without people raising their hands. And most everyone always has something to say. Discussion can be painful when everyone sits there silently staring at the professor. All that to say, I am almost done! Once I finish this paper tonight I will have 2 other essay-type papers to write, 1 book to read and a poster to make for it, and 2 finals to take next week. CRAZY! Just a small puddle to jump over after considering where I started this quarter!

I'm not stressed about finishing school or finding time for everything because I know it will all get done. More of my stress is in the direction of finding a place to live! Janelle and I toured an apartment last night and it wasn't the nicest place in the world. They were replacing the floors, painting, and cleaning, but we still didn't have the best feeling about it. We have a tour at another apartment complex on Saturday morning and I am really praying that this one will work out perfectly. So far it all sounds good- its just a matter of visiting and then figuring out when we could move in! We have to be out of our current apartment by the end of next week, so we are running out of time. Sigh. It will all work out- just gotta trust God and keep searching!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Are we there yet?

Everyone has memories of sitting in the backseat asking their parents if they have arrived at their destination yet. As an adult this is a very "duhhh" kind of question that I want to respond with, "If we were there, the car would be parked and we'd be getting out of the car!" All that to say, I feel like I keep asking my imaginary driver- "Am I there yet?" There are only two more weeks until graduation, but I will be done with school a week from tomorrow. ONE WEEK of school left. ever. for the rest. of. my. LIFE. [or until I go to grad school- whichever one comes first]. I am ready to be done, but I am still nervous about my future. Part of me seriously wants to crawl into a hole or maybe run away to a deserted island somewhere and escape the responsibilities of life. But we all know that isn't an option. I know that I am ready for new challenges and that the Lord will provide all that I need, but it is still scary to think of what is ahead. I have a unique situation, different from most those around me. I will be graduating and starting a full-time position at the day care and working 10 hours a week at the church. So I will be very busy! I'd rather be busy than bored any day, but it's still a little overwhelming to think about tackling these new roles and responsibilities. 

This weekend was a wonderful break but now I'm easing back into reality. I "surprised" my parents and came home for a long weekend. It has been nice and relaxing to be removed from my every day environment, without much homework to work on (I couldn't escape it completely!). Today my wonderful best friends came over and we laid out in the sun for a few hours. And after a small glass of wine at dinner I am just about asleep! [I'm pathetic. haha] I love seeing them, but am always a little sad when we must separate. I often wonder what life would be like if we were all in the same place at the same time; if we got to be roommates; if our boyfriends were all friends; if we went to the same college...etc. etc. Even though we are often apart I know they are always there for me, and I'm so excited to see where the Lord will lead us.

But still, I often wonder, "Am I there yet?"

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Speak O Lord

Speak, O Lord, as we come to You
To receive the food of Your Holy Word.
Take Your truth, plant it deep in us;
Shape and fashion us in Your likeness,
That the light of Christ might be seen today
In our acts of love and our deeds of faith.
Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us 
All Your purposes for Your glory.

Teach us, Lord, full obedience,
Holy reverence, true humility;
Test our thoughts and our attitudes
In the radiance of Your purity.
Cause our faith to rise; cause our eyes to see
Your majestic love and authority.
Words of pow'r that can never fail—
Let their truth prevail over unbelief.

Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds;
Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us—
Truths unchanged from the dawn of time
That will echo down through eternity.
And by grace we'll stand on Your promises,
And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us.
Speak, O Lord, till Your church is built
And the earth is filled with Your glory.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The road to graduation.

This is it. Yesterday was the 3 week mark until graduation and my "to-do" list has gotten progressively smaller each day. Praise Jesus! I am so ready to be done, but still trying to enjoy and cherish each day between now and graduation. I'm certainly ready for a change of pace- a new role at work, new summer plans at church, no more paper writing, no more assigned reading, going to bed early, living in a new apartment, watching friends get married...the next few months hold many exciting things and I can't wait! I have been feeling especially summery today and I'm not sure why. Yesterday I went to dinner at my advisor's house with a handful of other IFD majors and it was JUST what I needed! It was reassuring to listen to everyone else rant about being in the same place I'm at- ready to be done, but not quite there yet. I think it was just what I needed to give me the final push to get through. All that stands between me and that diploma are 3 big papers, 3 smaller papers, 2 finals, and 1 project. When I put it like that it seems so easy. Nothing to get stressed about, just something that needs to be done! But for now I just want to wear my new swimsuit (gotta love Target shopping trips) at the beach and then go to an Angel game. Is that too much to ask?
Spring Break 2012 ~ can't wait for this
to happen again soon.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bridal Shower #2

Bridesmaid dress for Esther's wedding!
(But in plum instead of this red color)
I think it's official- everyone and their brother is engaged and getting married in the next year! Every time I go on Facebook someone else has an updated relationship status! However, two of my closes friends are in this bunch of engaged people, and I am so happy for them. A few weeks ago we had a shower for Hannah and then this past weekend we celebrated Esther with a shower for her as well. This time we had a smaller group of people (I think this was because we inadvertently planned it for Mother's Day weekend) but we still had a great time. Friday night we purchased bridesmaid dresses for Esther's wedding as well and I can't wait to wear them! I told her that even if she picked a different dress I was considering buying this one for myself just to wear some other time anyways! All in all I am very excited for all my friends getting married. It certainly makes me wish I was part of the process too, but I also know that when the time comes for me it will still be just as special. Maybe even more special because it will be my turn :)