Everyone has memories of sitting in the backseat asking their parents if they have arrived at their destination yet. As an adult this is a very "duhhh" kind of question that I want to respond with, "If we were there, the car would be parked and we'd be getting out of the car!" All that to say, I feel like I keep asking my imaginary driver- "Am I there yet?" There are only two more weeks until graduation, but I will be done with school a week from tomorrow. ONE WEEK of school left. ever. for the rest. of. my. LIFE. [or until I go to grad school- whichever one comes first]. I am ready to be done, but I am still nervous about my future. Part of me seriously wants to crawl into a hole or maybe run away to a deserted island somewhere and escape the responsibilities of life. But we all know that isn't an option. I know that I am ready for new challenges and that the Lord will provide all that I need, but it is still scary to think of what is ahead. I have a unique situation, different from most those around me. I will be graduating and starting a full-time position at the day care and working 10 hours a week at the church. So I will be very busy! I'd rather be busy than bored any day, but it's still a little overwhelming to think about tackling these new roles and responsibilities.
This weekend was a wonderful break but now I'm easing back into reality. I "surprised" my parents and came home for a long weekend. It has been nice and relaxing to be removed from my every day environment, without much homework to work on (I couldn't escape it completely!). Today my wonderful best friends came over and we laid out in the sun for a few hours. And after a small glass of wine at dinner I am just about asleep! [I'm pathetic. haha] I love seeing them, but am always a little sad when we must separate. I often wonder what life would be like if we were all in the same place at the same time; if we got to be roommates; if our boyfriends were all friends; if we went to the same college...etc. etc. Even though we are often apart I know they are always there for me, and I'm so excited to see where the Lord will lead us.
But still, I often wonder, "Am I there yet?"