Easter has recently become one of my favorite holidays. (I know I say that about every holiday, but this year Easter has been especially meaningful for me.) Yesterday we celebrated the Easter EGGstravaganza at the church with almost 100 kids! A very fun day of pancakes, egg hunting, crafts, bounce house, games, and a puppet show. This year I had the opportunity to host the puppet show and it was great. Working with our puppets is always fun, especially when they start ad-libing. I definitely had to keep from laughing a few times! The main message was based off m&ms.... Miracle of Mercy, Worthy of Worship, Eternal Life for Everyone, and 3 days in the tomb (or God is 3 in one). If you keep turning a package of m&ms they'll become w's, e's, and 3's. The kids were a little mesmerized by that idea, but I think the parents thought it was clever. It was such a joy to watch the children's faces as they enjoyed the puppet show and hopefully learned something about Jesus!
Easter is a holiday that I haven't been home for in over 5 years. It was always right after spring break so it didn't make sense to travel back to California for such a short weekend. I have spent this holiday in many ways, with various family members and friends, but one thing that has been consistent is my opportunity to worship at First Free Methodist Church on this special morning. I have been reflecting lately on how blessed I am to be surrounded by a community that loves and cares for me as one of their own. Whether it is through a hug or a kind word, I know that there are many people who care for me (and whom I care for as well). I may not have friends who are my age or who are in a similar life situation, but the beauty of community is that it can be made out of any group of people who are intentional about loving each other and living life together. Better yet, living life together with the common purpose of loving Jesus and following him daily.
Christ is risen.
He is risen indeed, Alleluia!