Friday night as my flight was leaving from Seattle I was praying for the pilot and flight crew (as per my usual pre-flight prayer) and what popped into my head? None other than the theme song from last summer's VBS.
"Up, up, and away we go,
Into the great beyond,
Wherever we go and whatever we do,
We're trusting God all along."
Suddenly I was thinking that being a passenger on an airplane is somewhat like following God. I am trusting that the pilot and crew are trained to fly this huge thing and land it properly in my final destination. Shouldn't I also be trusting that God is directing my life in the way He sees fit? When I'm sitting in an airplane I can't see out the front window, I can hardly see the ground for most of the flight. If its a clear day maybe I'll get a glimpse of a mountain or the ocean and as the plane gets closer to the ground perhaps I'll start to recognize a few landmarks. When God is directing my life, its true that I can't see the whole picture, but I do get glimpses of what the future holds. And looking back I can see that I where I ended up is right where I should be.
Sometimes I'm frustrated that I can't see out the front window or that I don't understand why I'm experiencing such turbulence. I think that maybe if I was flying the plane I would be able to do a better job, when really I have none of the qualifications to do so. In the end I'm so thankful to not be in control of that plane.
No matter where I am, what people do, or how I feel.... trust God!
Thanks VBS, for still teaching me things as an adult.