Saturday, October 1, 2011

Grad School?

How come it's only the first week of the school year and I can't get the idea of grad school out of my head?! I have to get through this year first!!! But seriously, the past month or so I have been thinking SO much about going to grad school- where to go, what to study, when to go, etc. I am really leaning towards getting a master's in Christian Education and would love to have some sort of emphasis in Children's Ministry, because I feel God calling me that direction. It is so amazing how I can see the path God has lead me on to get to this point in my life.

I so love being in Seattle now and the life that I have with church and work and friendships, it's hard to imagine leaving. I know that God has the whole thing planned out, but it would be great if I could get a hint on the next few steps I'm supposed to take...Do I go straight to grad school after graduation? Do I take a year off? Do I go to school in southern California and move "home"? Do I go somewhere I've never been before?

Everyone around me (okay not everyone, but it feels like it!) is talking about engagements, planning weddings, getting married, and anything else along those lines. And while I am soooo happy for them, I feel a little lost in the mix. I know in my heart I'm not ready for marriage yet, but the idea of starting in a new place at a new school (getting a master's?!)...its a little scary. It would be great to say I know exactly what the next few years holds, but I cannot.

"You are my strength, I watch for you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely. God will go before me." Psalm 59:9-10

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