Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First Day of School

Well, I made it through my last first day of college. It didn't start out so great however. I set my alarm for 6:45 to get up and get ready in time for my 8am class. Well THAT didn't happen. My alarm didn't go off and I woke up at 7:45 :/ I threw some sweats on and put my hair in a ponytail and made it to class with a minute to spare. I was thoroughly impressed with myself. So I sat thru my first two classes and then came back to my apartment to actually get dressed and ready for the day. It rained all day today, probably in honor of the first day of school, to remind us all that we're back to the land of cold and wetness.

Then this afternoon I had my Theology Capstone class and it was so great. There are only 6 students and 2 professors so we met at one of the professor's homes right near campus. We talked a lot about our journey at SPU and in the school of theology, how we got to where we are today, where we think we're going, and our intended vocation. We discussed how a vocation is more than just a job, it is a calling. Something God has called us to do and something we can do to honor and praise Him. When we listen to his calling that is when we are fulfilling his vocation for our lives.

I have been thinking a lot about this idea lately and feel with 100% certainty that I am exactly where God wants me to be. Looking back I can see so many places where God has guided me in the direction of children's ministry. I may not know what tomorrow brings, but I know that I am moving forward with this goal in mind. God is in control of my life and has the whole picture figured out, so why would I worry? Why would I ever fret knowing that he always has my best interest in mind? I am so thankful for a God who loves and cares for his children so much.

On a separate note, I am officially moved into my apartment and am mostly unpacked and set up. I just want to hang out in my room and enjoy my time at school, but alas there is already homework to be done. However, nothing more will be getting done tonight. Tomorrow is a new day with new hopes and goals :)

Move-in day with my lovely roommates :)
1st Day of School picture in my room

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who I am.

So here I am, at Panera once again. I'm actually really liking my time here- it might become a regular thing during the school year :) I cannot believe that school is actually starting on Monday! I have been so preoccupied with church and the idea of moving, I haven't even been able to think about the school part of my Seattle life. I am already not looking forward to that overwhelming feeling I get when I look at all of my syllabi. Everything always gets done, but that first day really just overwhelms me every time. Once I get my room put together and my desk set up I will be able to think about going to class and finding classrooms and setting up notebooks. I'm such a nerd, new notebooks are always my favorite :)
My life lately has been filled with children and I love it! I am so blessed by them and the things they do and say. I babysat for one family a couple days ago and they have three boys (very fun, but very busy and very dirty haha). The oldest boy (age 6) informed that he looooooves cooking and will be a chef when he grows up. He is going to have a noodle restaurant downtown. And he wanted me to be sure to come so he gave me directions: go downtown and turn left and it'll be right there.

I love the simplicity in the mind of a child. They make up their mind with something they want and they tell everyone about it. Why do we have such a difficult time with that? Adults go back and forth and back and forth and still are confused about what they should do. [My dad always says that adults ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they (the adults) are still looking for ideas for themselves too] I have been praying God would lead me in a clear direction for my future and right now I am positive that I am right where I should be. It's not always easy, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. Just like that little boy is so confident of who he wants to be, I should be so confident of who I already am. I am a daughter and servant of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

5. more. days.

There are the loudest children EVER running around me right now at Tully's. And I work with children practically every day. I have been around some crazy ones and they don't typically bother me. Well, these ones are just nuts, and I think what bothers me is that their parents are doing absolutely nothing about it. It's okay to have rambunctious children, as long as they know when and where it is appropriate.
All that to say, I'm at Tully's counting down the days until I can go online from my own computer in my own room. I am so ready to move in, especially with all the traffic and road construction going on in Seattle. The bridge I would typically take to get to Seattle has been closed all weekend so I have to go around on a different one, adding an additional 3-4 miles and anywhere from 30-45 more minutes! It's crazy how long it takes to get places. I'm loving having a car and am so blessed to not be relying on public transportation, but it's almost become more of a crazy game- how long will it take me to get there this time?? haha

I'm also so excited to finally decorate my room and put everything in its place. I love everything I've purchased and made so far- my bedspread, rug, calendar, curtains, etc. and I can't wait to start putting it all together!

I know this week will fly by, but I am ready for it to be Saturday already! :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

One more week.

I have been in Seattle one whole week already and only have one left before I can finally move into my apartment!! Two roomies are already there and I am counting down the days until I can be there too! It is slightly weird to be staying in someone else's [huge] house, by myself, with practically nothing to do when I'm here. Here are some things that have been keeping me busy lately:
Internship stuff! I have been getting curriculum together, making copies, running up three flights of stairs to get to KidTown (only to return to the office remembering something important I forgot), teaching Sunday School, directing kids & parents to new locations, meeting new people, getting lots of coffee, and more.
Driving back and forth and back and forth across the 520 bridge.
AND, last but not least:
Listening to Lady A's newest CD :)

Along with some babysitting, seeing friends, moving the brother into SU, and watching HIMYM, I am pretty much just hanging around. Next week will be busier because I will be back at work on top of church. I feel like I'm waiting for an airplane to take off: hurry up and wait. It's all in God's timing right? Gotta rely on Him when I get antsy :)