Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crayon Art

Wow, I haven't posted in quite a while and a lot has happened in the past few weeks! I want to write about all that is going on, but for now I will only post about my craftiness that happened this afternoon. I have a new position at work which means I now have an office. (SO weird! I'm definitely not old enough to have an office!) All that to say, I needed something to put on the walls in that place. Thank you pinterest for inspiring me once again!
1. Gather supplies- crayons and canvases (harder to find than you would think!). Also need a hot glue gun, hair dryer, and some sort of tarps or newspaper to put under everything.

2. Hot glue the crayons to the canvas. Another blogger noted to make sure you pay attention to which way you put the crayons down. Having them all different ways would have driven me crazy.

3. Once the glue has dried get the hair dryer out and start melting away. (It splatters a little so make sure the area is covered well).

4. Melt, melt, melt, melt....

5. Ta-da! Let the wax cool and add some pretty flowers! And just like that- art for my office :)

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