Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Things kids say

Elimy....Emnily...Emmaaayeee...Enemy...Emily? Who know my name was so difficult to say?! Well, when you are only 18 months and still trying to figure the world out Emily is one of the toughest names ever! The sweet kids that I work with are always saying the best things and I often find myself retelling stories to anyone that will listen. Sorry if you get bored with kid stories, I just can't help it!

This morning while I was serving up breakfast for the 20 month- 2 year old class, one of the little boys turned to me and said, "I'm so glad to be here today, Emily!" I smiled and said, "I'm glad you're here too!" All through breakfast he kept saying, "I love it here! I love it here!" Anyone who knows kids knows that they certainly speak their mind, and clearly this little boy is just loving life.

About a week ago another little boy, almost 3 years old, was leaving for the day. He got some crackers from our office manager (as the kids do at the end of the day). He thanked her and then ran around the corner to his dad and yelled, "I looked her in the eye!!" Clearly something that they have been working on, but so cute to hear him so proud of himself for this accomplishment!

Last one for now....One of my favorite little guys always wants me to play with him when we're on the playground and says, "Come on, Emily, come on!" A few weeks ago he grabbed my hand and I asked where we were going. He said that we were going to the picnic store, so I asked what we were going to get there. He said we were getting hot dogs and watermelon cookies and then going on a picnic. What does a watermelon cookie taste like you ask? Something similar to wood chips....

Two years old is one of my favorite ages. Not everyone loves it, but the things that the say and the sweet things that they do certainly keep me coming back for more. The hugs and kisses I get and the way they say my name and ask for things always makes me smile. Today a little guy kept coming up to me saying "I need a hug." I'd say okay and bend down to give him a hug. As he walked away he would say, "I'm okay now!" (He also kept reminding himself that mommy and daddy always come back- too cute).

Yes, little ones may need lots of reminders, but they are also capable of giving lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW! I love your kid stories. I think you get the cutest kids in your classes! So fun :)
