Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tonight's Dinner

What can you do with a half-full bag of small sweet potatoes? Well I'm sure there is a long answer to that question, but I decided to roast mine for dinner tonight following a recipe I found on pinterest and they were SO good. I believe the exact phrase used was "Make these again!!" The recipe can be found at Teenie Cakes. Since I started with a side dish I had to work backwards to figure out what kind of meat I was going to make...chicken goes well with sweet potatoes...nah, don't want chicken again. Turkey goes well with sweet potatoes (Thanksgiving!)...nahh, that would take too long. Pork chops! Super easy! And I found a yummy recipe at The Pioneer Woman, making things even easier. I just needed one more thing...what goes with pork chops? Apples! Baked apples with butter and brown sugar to be exact.

What would I do without the internet with me at all times to look up recipes and determine what I will make for dinner? If I don't already have a plan, it gets to be about 1 or 2 and I start browsing my phone while the kiddos nap at work. And I always come up with something that sounds good! Without pinterest and Google search I'd have to wait 'til I got home and actually look things up in a cookbook...crazy.

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